Unsere Projekte

Neues Magazin 2025

Eine Ausgabe zu den Themen Diplomatie und Diaspora. Afrikanische Investoren und Partner. Ein starkes Symbol, um die Werte des afrikanischen Kontinents und seinen Beitrag auf internationaler Ebene zu veranschaulichen. Mehrere Persönlichkeiten wurden eingeladen: Botschafter, in Deutschland lebende afrikanische Persönlichkeiten, Künstler, Honorarkonsul, verschiedene Interviews mit deutschen Investoren und andere.

Bridgewater Joy Residence

Co-designed by the world-renowned architect James Smith, our Bridgewater Joy residences offer top views of the nearby lake Michigan. Perfect for a small family, a professional couple, or anyone looking to set up a home office.

white and black abstract painting
white and black abstract painting
Pleasantview Gem Inn

Not just pleasant on the outside, our Pleasantview Gem Inn properties are especially popular among families. With underground parking and floor-to-ceiling windows, there's no shortage of natural light or space.

worm's-eye view photography of concrete building
worm's-eye view photography of concrete building